For the love of Music
Grinning Dog Records are a family-run record label based in beautiful Dorchester, Dorset. We love music and animals, especially our four dogs (Niles the Jack Russell being the inspiration for our logo).

Although we are up with the latest trends of the music business our heart is more traditional in that we love CD and Vinyl. We love a physical album with great artwork, booklet of lyrics and pictures, information on who played what, who produced it, where it was recorded, who mixed and mastered it. It all adds to the experience of enjoying and holding an album
Yep, streaming music is very convenient, especially when on the move, but I could never call my mobile phone my ‘record collection’. A record collection can really show off your personality. It’s a joy when friends look through them with you, “Oh wow you got that one!” or “We gotta play this one next!”
A friend of mine, who was in a well-known 60s group told me if he was ever invited back after a date, he would flick through their LPs and if he was horrified with what he saw (and often he was) he would make a quick exit. In his case music was so important, that it actually determined compatibility!
Grinning Dog Records firmly believes that music is a core value in people’s lives and we want to play a part in releasing hidden talent to a wider audience.